Don’t worry, there will be no “kill or be killed” or “death before dishonor” slogans here.
I do not work in a place where the production environment is responsible for people lives. No one would die if I mess up, or even if I really really mess up. A lot of people, however, will have to look for new jobs. With this in mind, let’s see what lessons from the military would benefit you in maintaining your production environment.


Not working is bad. Blows up in your face is worse

No one wants to hear “click” when you expected “bang”.

No one wants to take a look at your online store in the morning and see an error message. Your potential users will wander away, and you now lost 100% of your potential earnings. That’s a bad scenario, and it is tested for. How fast does the site show? Does the home page look good on an obscure browser that only runs on mobile devices from 20 years ago? Very important indeed.

“Kaboom” when you expected “bang” is worse.

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